
Kim Hyun Joong Clip & Info Talk Unlimited Japan Tour

Credit http://ameblo.jp/breakdown0606/entry-11507998929.html


Kim Hyun Joong was not in a condition to perform on the 
stage on the second concert day in July, but he did and
sang " If you are like me 그대도 나와 같다면 " a cappella
as he did not allow himself to use recorded one. 

He also mentioned in Hiroshima that he put full of his 
love for the fans in this song now. 

This is the message which appeared on the screen at the
end of the live during the Unlimited Tour. 

In order to fulfill my dreams, 
I think that I have been running without any rest. 
走(はし)ってきた道(みち)を振(ふ)り返(かえ)ってみると 長(なが)い道
Looking back the path I ran through, it was a long way.
It seems that I have been looking just ahead of me. 

However, I think that I have to walk the future path which 
I cannot see how it will be, looking around well with
deliberate steps. 
If you hold hands with me and walk together, I think that 
the road I walk from now on will be much refreshing one. 
つらくて疲(つか)れた時(とき), いつも Kim Hyun Joong のことを
信(しん)じて 好(す)きでいてくださる皆(みな)さんが手(て)を差(さ)
し伸(の)べてくだされば, 僕(ぼく)の手(て)は皆(みな)さんの手(て)

When I feel hard and tiresome, if you, who always believe
in and love Kim Hyun Joong, will reach out your hands, 
I will never release them. 

歩(ある)いてみましょうか? ゆっくりと ゆっくりと
Shall we try to walk ? Slowly, without any hurry. 

* During the talk session in Saitama, he said that
he “cannot release your hands” ,
In stead of “ I will never release your hands “ . 
