
[Article][111011] Kim HyunJoong & Seohyun Only Exchanged '3 sentences' During The CF Filming

English translation: Stephanie (@5StarsAs1/ http://www.i-kpoplovers.blogspot.com/)

On October 10 at the COEX Intercontinental Hotel, Kim Hyun Joong held an interview for the release of his second mini-album. During the interview he was asked about his CF filming for a makeup brand with SNSD’s Seohyun. His story gained a lot of attention.

Kim Hyun Joong stated, “Although Seohyun and I are both shy of strangers, during the filming Seohyun was more extroverted. She approached me first asking, ‘Did you eat yet?’ and I answered, ‘Yes.’ I really didn’t have much to say afterwards, so we didn’t talk at all until the filming was over.”

After the CF filming he asked, “When is the new SNSD album going to be released?” and she replied, “It was delayed.”

Finally he said, “Have a good day.” That was the complete conversation that he had with Seohyun and after the story everyone at the interview laughed.

Kim Hyun Joong’s second mini-album will be released on October 11 and he will comeback on October 20 through Mnet’s “M Countdown.”
